Resilient Foundation

Resilient Foundation for Academic Innovation and Scientific Research

Registered with NITI Aayog, Govt. of India

About Us

Resilient Foundation for Academic Innovation and Scientific Research is a Not-for-profit organization registered under section 8 of the companies’ act 2013, India. The organization is established having primary aim to promote academic & research activities through knowledge sharing, innovation, skill development and capacity building in various sectors like academia, industry and government for betterment of society. Digital India program of Government is a great initiative to transform India into a digitally empowered society and a knowledge based economy. Digital innovations are playing important role in knowledge sharing, research and capacity building in all sectors. These digital mediums will help us to make education and research more inclusive. Resilient Foundation for Academic Innovation & Scientific being a non-profit organization is striving to be the contributor in India’s Global presence in academia, industry and scientific research. For this purpose, Foundation is providing a platform for collaboration of world reputed national & international academic & research organization including Industry. Such collaborations will help stakeholders to enhance their academic knowledge, skill and research ability. Resilient Foundation for Academic Innovation & Scientific Research plays a pivotal role in partnering and strengthening Indian industry, Academia and Government in all sectors for scientific research and innovation and technological support for sustainable growth and development.